Pregame Message for the Mastodons As They Start Their Final Run in the Summit League Tourney
Do you love this game?
As you grew up, were your dreams to be a big-time basketball player? Were your aspirations to win championships, celebrate on the court with teammates, and cut down nets?
Have you dreamed of playing in the NCAA Tournament? Do YOU have “March Madness”? Do YOU have the drive, the will, the determination to do something not just special, but historic? Do you want to tell your family, your kids, your grandkids…that you were the first to do it?
Thirteen years of history has built up to this moment. The dreams of all those that have tried, yet still hold on vicariously through you. The dreamers of the past, great players like Frank Gaines, Luis Jacobo, Pierre Bland, Steve Forbes, Max Landis, Bryson Scott, John Konchar and Kason Harrell, are with you today.
They push you, they root for you, and in some ways, you now have the opportunity to fulfil a part of their dreams not realized. They don’t have a second chance, but you have a chance for them. They will forever be Mastodons, and have their names engrained in the history books…but today, this is YOUR time. This is YOUR moment, YOUR team, and those are YOUR nets.
Not just for yourself, but for the long line of players that have worn this jersey and now play in Japan, Europe, Ireland, and the NBA.
There won’t be those after you to fulfil this dream for you, or for the others. This is the last time in the Summit League. History is NOW, and your chance to make it starts today.
Don’t waste a lifetime opportunity on lack of effort. Be the tougher team. Be the more determined team.
Make today step one. History starts now.
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